Colored quandrants

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Connect to Companies and Contacts in HubSpot to get quick access to your caller's details. Make calls from HubSpot and other applications using web page dialing.

Enhance your work with HubSpot by linking it to your telephone, delivered in a straightforward and cost-effective way.

Integration simplifies common tasks including the following features:

  1. Click-To-Dial: make calls straight from HubSpot by clicking on the hyperlinked telephone numbers.
  3. Address Book: Search and dial from your HubSpot contacts using a simple Address Book tool even when HubSpot is open.
  5. Contact Popping: Go straight to the caller's record in HubSpot with a single click while on a call with them (or from the Call History window).
  7. Automatic or manual call logging: Create activity records in HubSpot.
  9. Add Contact: Easily create new accounts, contacts or leads while on a call with them.

In addition to Integration with HubSpot many other useful features are included.

  1. Call History (and missed calls)
  3. Integration with Outlook and Google Contacts (requires Plus license)
  5. Can works with multiple HubSpot datasets simultaneously. (requires Plus license)

Would you like help getting started? No problem. Visit our web site ( or email us at


  1. A working telephone installation


Click to Dial will only work from the Contacts List view. Clipboard Dialling is the preferred method of dialling when the Contacts record is opened.

Integration Features

Activity LoggingClick to dialAddress BookAdd contacts

Feature Key

Activity Logging

Add Contact

Caller Preview


Contact Popping

Screen Popping

Caller Preview

Screen Popping

Contact Popping

Address Book

Contact Searching

Activity Logging

Activity Logging

Click to dial


Add contacts

Add Contact